美国各系列产品part.so西安福川**数据库经销产品名称 5995-电缆组件 5995-Cable, Cord, And Wire Assemblies: Communication Equipment 产品说明 This class includes only those types of cable, cord, and wire assemblies and sets (and wiring harnesses) used on or with equipment and components covered by groups 58 and 59. Cable, cord, wire assemblies, and sets (wiring harnesses) used on or with equipment classified in FSC groups other than groups 58 or 59 are classified in FSC class 6150 if multiapplication, or classified with the next higher classifiable assembly if specially designed. 产品包含 Cable Assemblies, Fiber Optic 产品排除 Cable Assemblies, Fiber Optic 按订货代码 执行标准 标题描述 MIL-DTL-18266 电线组件,电气,P/OH-87B/U MIL-DTL-22442 电缆组件,飞机音频,总规范美国各系列产品part.so西安福川**数据库经销
欢迎来到西安福川电子科技有限公司网站, 具体地址是陕西省西安市陕西省西安市高新区锦业路36号旗远锦樾1-3-2802室,联系人是王淑丽。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 250 - 500 万元。